Coconut Bowls Recycling

It's National Recycling Week

Coconut Bowls Recycling

This week is national recycling week which makes this the perfect time to start changing your recycling habits at home.

This year's theme is 'Recovery - A future beyond the bin'. highlighting the value of our resources, giving them a second life by reducing resource use, reusing and recycling.

Reducing our waste not only keeps valuable materials out of landfill it also benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our need for new materials.

Close the loop recycling

At Coconutsy we close the loop and only use resources that would have otherwise been burnt or buried in landfill.

Closed-loop recycling is basically a production process in which post-consumer waste is collected, recycled and used to make new products. For example coconut shells are a by-product of the coconut oil industry, we then turn these shells into beautiful coconut bowls, candles and cups to give them new life.

For closed-loop recycling to function properly, we must work together with our suppliers, customers, recyclers and manufacturers  to reclaim valuable materials and use them to make new products.

A great solution to minimise our waste is to buy more items made from recycled products.

How to recycle packaging correctly

Is it just us, or can recycling be a little confusing? We all want to do our part for the environment, but it can be tough to know the dos and don’ts of recycling when you’re just starting out.

Experts say many of us are 'wish cycling' - tossing everything in the yellow bin in the hope it can be recycled.

The number one contaminant is plastic bags. Soft plastics such as shopping bags are not recyclable, even if they're full of clean, perfectly sorted recyclables.

Did you know the quality of recycles collected in Australia is relatively poor compared to other countries, mainly due to lack of consumer education about what can be recycled.

An easy way to reduce your impact on Mother Earth is to simply sort your recyclables properly.

If your not sure what’s welcome in your home recycle bin and what’s not? Here are some common household items that you can and can’t recycle.

What you can recycle

Recyclable Materials

  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Metal Cans
  • Plastic Containers
  • Juice and milk cartons
  • Cleaning product bottles
  • Roll-on deodorant containers
  • Takeaway food containers
  • Yoghurt containers
  • Cereal boxes
  • Paper plates
  • Pizza boxes
  • Toilet rolls
Do not recycle these

Do Not Recycle

  • Plastic bags or recyclables inside plastic bags
  • Tissues
  • Takeaway coffee cups
  • Disposable nappies
  • Garden waste
  • Polystyrene or Styrofoam
  • Bubble wrap
  • Clothes and shoes

If your recyclables are inside plastic bags they will go straight to landfill as staff at sorting facilities are not able to open these bags for safety reasons.

Now you know what to do! Spread the word at work, show your kids and take your newfound knowledge as far and wide as you can. National Recycling Week may be only seven days, but it's a great time to stop and take stock of how much you contribute to our waste burden.

For more information and great tips visit Planet Ark

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