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Go Green This Black Friday Season

Green Friday

The Green Friday movement provides an environmentally effective alternative to compulsive consumption.

So, should you care about Green Friday?

Well, according to a report featured in The Latch, a massive “90% of Australian households have unwanted or unused items, 80% of household plastics and textiles end up in landfill and $80 billion in fashion purchases end up in landfill each year. And, probably the most startling stat of all, in a climate change performance review of 64 countries, Australia ranked last.”


So, if you’re thinking of ditching Black Friday and going green, what can you do?

Here are 3 tips to help you navigate a greener footprint: 

#1 Do I need it?

First and foremost, before getting swooped up in the latest sale, ask yourself, ‘do I really it?’ If it’s not essential or a more sustainable alternative to what you’re currently doing or using, can you live without it? 

So, before buying new clothes, homewares, beauty products, personal care items or ANYTHING, ask yourself… ‘do I really need it?’

#2 Is it a sustainable switch?

While the very idea of giving up deal-hunting altogether may send shock waves through your system, especially in the run-up to Christmas, think of Green Friday as a great opportunity to shop around for more sustainable products.

With the worsening environmental issues happening in Australia and around the world, this could be a positive start of a new way to reduce waste, find more eco-friendly ways of doing things and build better habits.

#3 Greener Gifts

If you’re a progressive shopper who's super organised, Green Friday could be the optimum time for your Christmas Gift planning.

Sustainable giving flips the narrative of the traditional Christmas shopping experience. It’s also a prime time to save money AND do more good for the world.

Here are 17 things you can do to help the planet TODAY:

  1. Donate old clothes to give them a second life before they end up as waste
  2. Avoid fast fashion
  3. Switch off (literally!) if you’re not using it, turn it off!
  4. Car share, ride your bike, walk, run, take public transport or fewer journeys
  5. Wash your clothes using cold water
  6. Sun dry your laundry instead of using a dryer
  7. Recycle used items at home - jars, containers
  8. Stop buying plastic bottles
  9. Eat locally-produced and organic food
  10. Reduce your intake of red meat
  11. Use less water
  12. Only purchase items that come in easily-recyclable packaging
  13. Share your ‘green’ ideas with others
  14. Become as close to carbon neutral as possible by purchasing carbon offsets
  15. Choose ethical banking
  16. Shop local, ethical and sustainable where possible
  17. Switch daily household and personal care items for those with less plastic

Source: Make My Shave

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