Earth Hour, one of the world’s largest (and home grown!) grassroots movement is almost upon us, uniting people to take action on climate change and protect the planet.
Millions around the world will switch off their lights for one hour in the symbolic event to support climate change action, with one in three Australians expected to take part.
This Earth Hour, WWF-Australia is encouraging individuals to support Australia’s switch to a renewables-based economy by making the #SwitchForNature to help reduce the country’s contribution to global emissions and climate change.
There’s plenty of ways Aussies can take action to support the planet during this hour. Here are the charity’s top five tips:
1. Sign up and switch off the lights
First call of order, stand in solidarity to protect the planet we call home by signing up online and then flicking those lights.
2. Consider switching your home to ‘green power’
An option that has become readily available to homes across Australia. Take the hour to do a little research on how this might just be a great fit for your home and eco-anxiety woes.
3. Reduce your power with new habits
It’s the small steps that add up. Take this time to enforce habits across the household such as switching off lights when leaving the room, unplugging devices when not inuse, hanging out washing over the dryer, and any other helpful hints you can think of.
4. Opt for a sustainable superfund
One of the easiest ways to put your money where your mouth is, is to simply swap over your super to one that is investing renewable and sustainable energies. There are lots of great options available and it won’t even scratch the surface of the hour!
5. Switch to planet-friendly transportation
Bicycles. Electric scooters. Public transport. Electric cars. Walking. There are so many ways we can reduce our impact on the environment by choosing to reduce our reliance on cars and fossil fuels. Transport like walking or cycling is good for your health too!
For more information and to sign up head to